ॐ 2012 Liberation Keys ॐ

Here's what i mean by these words...

Universal Thriving
It is possible for us to unite our minds & hearts, to thrive.  To go beyond the mere surviving that’s the norm in the world & to experience an inner & outer abundance, which in the past has only been a dream.  Thriving is a way available to all.  

Courageous Gratitude
To be grateful for every moment as it presents itself to me.  This can take courage, as i won’t necessarily enjoy every experience as it erupts into my life.  However, remembering that at some point i’ll most likely look back with appreciation for the experiences which caused my suffering, can help connect me to the vibration of gratitude.

100% Inclusion
There was a lot of 99% stuff going on in 2011.  i believe that we must include everyone.  See ourselves as one species, one planet, one consciousness, oneness.  We are all in this life together…this epic cosmic game of adventure.  So long as there’s 1% excluded, we are separate from & against something.  Let’s unite.  There’s a fantastic song by Ndidi called ‘Move Together’: youtube.com/watch?v=B1lXhSN9fHg

Unconditional Love
Really, do i need to write more about this?  Love without attachment, expectation or strings.  Love as in liberty, support & gratitude for what is (no matter what is)

"Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky."
                                                  - Hafiz

Effortless Evolution
What is it in me that believes it takes great effort to change?  That change is hard work?  This year I’m for letting the evolution come without force or struggle.  I choose flowing, easy, fun evolution!

Positive Catalysts
And what could be better to facilitate effortless evolution, than positive catalysts?!  i  have an ability to thrive & evolve in crisis situations:  using them to bring a lotus out of the mud.  Now, i’m going to invoke the same transformations & evolutionary leaps, from healthy, happy scenarios!

Angel Activation
This is two-fold: to activate my own angel nature and, to deepen my connection with the army of angels whose purpose is to support & guide.  There's an abundance of blessings awaiting us in every moment, we just have to learn how to RECEIVE and open to this love.

"To lift your eyes to heaven 
When all men's eyes are on the ground,
Is not easy. 
To worship at the feet of angels 
When all men worship only fame and riches, 
Is not easy. 
But the most difficult of all 
Is to think the thoughts of angels, 
To speak the words of angels, 
And to do as angels do."
- Essene Gospel of Peace

Shadow Alchemy
The process of alchemy for me, is taking dull metal & transforming it into pure gold.  Thus shadow alchemy is taking my shadow/dark-side and transforming it into pure light.  The great thing to remember about shadows, is once we've learnt how to love them, they stand by our side - a template to some of how to transcend demons, & a compassionate warning to others of the strength we have within.

“I wish I could show you 
when you are lonely or in darkness, 
the astonishing light of your own being."
                                                                                 - Hafiz   

“what did you think it was that needed to be loved?”
 - Thaddeus golas
(from: ‘The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment’, the best book i read in 2011 & only 80 pages!)

Radical Balance
Balancing in the most challenging of times.  Balancing in the most imaginative of ways.  Finding harmony and connection with one’s centre, irregardless of the turmoil ensuing around.

Bring the pure wine of
love and freedom.
But sir, a tornado is coming.
More wine, we'll teach this storm
A thing or two about whirling.
                                                                        - RUMI

i want to go beyond trusting in myself.  i want to have faith in myself.  The difference for me is that trust is more rational & sensible.  With faith, it is confident, committed and unwavering.  It also implies that the self i have faith in, should really be spelt Self.

Pure Presence
To experience over and over the purity of being…here and now.  In THIS moment.

“This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.”
                                                                                                                                         - Hafiz

Ecstatic Reality
Isn’t there something inherently dull about the word ‘reality’? I’m ready to dive into the ecstasy available through every experience.  What if reality was the ultimate heart-opening, loved-up, blissful, exquisite thing you could every dream of experiencing?

"The most important question you'll ever ask is whether the Universe is a friendly place."
- Albert Einstein

 [sun in our hands: me & antoine]