"The mind creates the abyss - the heart crosses it." - Sri Nisargatta

so here i am...last day in nepal about to begin a new chapter of the lotus journey in india.  my mind makes a lot of chatter about going to india...it's been a pivotal place for me in the past...what's it going to be *this* time?  why does my mind always want to know what's going to happen in the future?  if i was handed a book with all the events which were to happen in my life, i wouldn't want to read it - i'd rather ***experience*** them, as they're happening in real-time.

so, dear mind, take a breath & settle down some.  i can assure you of one thing, the only thing you are really asking...something a soul-friend of mine sung: "every little thing gonna be alright!"

and come back to the heart.  always, as i feel the breath travelling down through my body & filling my lungs, i can return my awareness, concentration and focus to my heart.  to that beautiful space within me, where all possibilities exist.

then i realise - WOW!  i have a WHOLE day to spend in nepal!  wow!  what am i going to do with it???  (oh there's the mind again...running off to the future.)  breathe.  back to the heart...  WOW  i have this beautiful moment, right HERE, right NOW of being in my heart & putting this love that i feel into this post.  filling this computer screen with all the light i feel connected to & allowing that to flow around the globe & fill wherever it is that you are now sitting...

can you feel it?  i know i'm not imagining it because i can FEEL it within.  this love is real.  and it surrounds us in every moment.  embraces us.  breathe into it.  connect to this source of unconditional, divine love travelling as a light-web around the plannet...around the universe.


haha!  funny experience to drop into whilst writing a blog.  the thoughts start to come 'what will my parents think when they read this?'...are they going to think i'm going crazy in asia again?  or will they understand that what i am experiencing could also be interpreted as the love of God?  But this is for them to figure out!  i am learning to be more and more my True Self.


so, here we are.  with this flow i have begun my blog.  let's use it to strengthen together this web of light surrounding this beautiful world...our heart connection.

one more thing...
i believe in miracles, do you?

journey into the unknown

Namaste friends!

Greetings of love and peace on this beautiful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse day!

i'd like to share some words in connection to today's maya calendar, which is about stepping into the unknown.  Perhaps these words can inspire you....let yourself go as you read them... 

Journey into the Unknown

Imagine a doorway appears before you in the cosmos.
Inscribed on the door is "Unknown"
You are in the Known...

You know this body, this mind, this heart.
You know this earth with its nourishment.
You know this breath and how it flows through your being.
You know every sound you hear in your environment.
You know your relationship to everyone and everything
which floats through your consciousness.
You know this universe with its laws of operation.
You know how to exist here, how to grow and evolve.

Yet still at the edge, there is this door marked "Unknown"
When you open it and pass through
all that is Known will be surrendered.
The mind tries to project what would be there;
'empty space', 'falling', 'void', 'freedom'...
But these are all Known-concepts,
None of which exist on the other side of this door.

If you wish to experience the Unknown
You must summon all your courage, just to approach the door.
To turn the handle, you release all you have created since birth to keep you safe.

It takes the strength of an exalted warrior to experience the unknown presence of a newborn!
Whisper the words "I am" as you tenuously open the door, and all disappears into the Unknown...


If you chose to go thru, be sure to let me know what you discover!

In love, purity & joy! xxxxxx

p.s. you can read about mayan info here: