light connection meditation

Namaste dear friends!

Things are changing quickly on the planet now.  The shake-up to wake-up is intensifying in speed.  We are witnessing healing & growth in ourselves at a rapid many lifetimes' worth of experience and lessons do you already feel you've gained in *THIS* life, *THIS* decade, *THIS* year?  And it's a snowballing effect, the more we clear & heal in ourselves, the faster & bigger the next understanding is.  We are evolving towards total realization of our True nature at light speed!

Been feeling that have you?!  The 'coincidences', miracles, challenges, magical connections been strong lately?

So, this is what i want to share with you...the connection part.  i've been noticing that when the EFT group i studied with have a weekend workshop, *i* have a transformational weekend...except i'm in Nepal, not San Francisco & not intentionally doing anything.  Or a friend in Finland, unknown to me, leads a meditation group to balance heart & mind...and there i am on the same day making a conscious choice to follow my heart rather than mind.

Made me realize, that as one of us heals, *all* of us feel the change on some level.

Light Connection Meditation
Here's a meditation i channeled this morning, which i invite you to share...start by connecting with your friends...saying aloud the names of all the people you know who are consciously working to heal themselves, & live their life at their full potential - experiencing and sharing the Love they Truly are.  Feel the love & beauty each of these friends bring to your life.  Imagine your connection and love spreading & spanning the earth.  See & FEEL the globe illuminated like an electric grid.  A light-web wrapped around the planet.  

Then invite each of your friends to connect with all of *their* friends & loved ones who are also healing & cleaning themselves.  !!!BING!!!! the light connection intensifies!  Then connect to the living gurus... !!!BING!!!.  And connect each to our spirit friends guides, angels & helpers, deceased masters and an aura of energy wraps itself around the planet.  Feel all the realizations, illuminations, love & blessings flowing between us...cosmic messages passing from heart to heart, hand to hand, pure-mind to mind.

And from this place we can start to play!  In my meditation, i chose to bless the earth's water with unconditional love & a belief in miracles.  Then i channeled ALL the love i was feeling to Japan.  Imagining scientists having 'eureka' moments, government officials realizing & implementing solutions, & the people there experiencing waves of calm euphoria, as they understood the situation is going to be okay.

Using the love i was feeling, i practiced ho'oponopono with Japan.  Taking responsibility for my part in the situation there...the nuclear energy i've consumed, the negative thoughts over the years which contributed to the earthquake, global fear & tsunami.  Then repeating the 4 ho'oponopono phrases:
i'm sorry 
please forgive me
thank you
i love you
a bit more about Japan...
i'm so grateful to Japan for taking on this challenge.  i believe with its ancient, deep-rooted spirituality, coupled with its phenomenally intelligent, progressive minds, that Japan can lead the world to GREAT leaps in understanding.  And provide a template of how to deal with some of the global challenges we, as a world, may be facing these next years.  i invite you also to feel & believe the same...i see the emblem for Japan just now, as the mighty Phoenix...rising up from the fire which purifies. 
Let's chose to send Japan our love, strength, trust & belief in this moment...
go on...take a breath & send Japan some love (:

To each of you, i thank you for being part of (my) life.  For inspiring & sharing your healing with me & my friends...even if you don't realise that you are.

i love you!
jennifer x

ps if you think any one else would benefit from reading this email, please pass
it on.  or share some of your own realizations with your healing friends...this
is not the time to stay small...this is the time to share our hearts with ALL.
NOW is the time, don't be afraid to SHINE!