remembering the light with

Listen, it’s unlikely you’re going to hear anything ‘new’ here.  You’ll be reading that which you’ve heard over and over again.  Because, all this is about                         ♥ r e m e m b e r i n g  
There’s no ‘new’ knowledge here, so if you read this & think “i know”, that’s great…you are remembering!

There is a light inside each of us.  It is that which we truly are.  There are many names for this light (love, god, divinity, truth, essence, spirit, source, purity) but they only point to it:  it’s something, which once you have experienced, will comfort you for the rest of your life. 

This light is not something to put on your ‘To Do List’, nor have thoughts like “i need to find the light within”, nor feel as though something’s wrong with you, because you’re not sure if you know this light, or if you experience it enough, or what we’re even discussing.  None of that matters! 

I have good news…we all know this light!  It’s impossible not to know it – equivalent to saying “i don’t know the sun” or “i don’t know how to breathe”.  Each of us has experienced and felt this light within.  It’s just we forget it, then we remember again…then forget…and we flutter around in this dance (altering the duration of time we spend separated from our light). 

We remember the light when we feel grateful, in love, a deep connection with friends, family, nature, when we’re doing something we truly enjoy.  We feel it when we smile a genuine smile, dance freely or play like a child.  We know this light when we trust that everything’s going to be okay.

But this is all kind of clichéd, right? i warned you, these are things you’ve already heard a hundred times over.  So, why tell you again?  Because:
this light is something you want to  r e m e m b e r

You are ready to leave behind the distracted, heavy, nonsensical world of blame, judgment, fear, anxiety, comparison and all the other games we play, in an attempt to separate ourselves from the pure ball of love radiating from within!

And why do we distract & separate ourselves?  Why do we forget?  Please ASK these questions!  Ask them to yourself!  If it’s true that ‘i am love’, why don’t i experience it (all the time)?  i would love it if you paused to answer that before continuing to read.

i believe we are in a game of forgetting and remembering.  Our purpose (the big “why are we here?”) is to remember this light.  And so, we will continue, over and over to seek the experiences we need in order to remember that which we truly are.  And remembering this, in essence, means becoming this light. When we exist, centered in this light, we shine!  Naturally, this light, this love, this feeling pours out to all those around us.  We inspire others to realize the light within them.  More good news…if it is possible for one person, 
❆ it is possible for all of us! 

This is the example many prophets came to teach us.  They came to plant the seed of possibility in the consciousness of humanity.  Our minds have been evolving & NOW we are finally ready to experience this light!  On a mass-scale we are ready, as a species, to remember our true nature…this light within. 

If you have read this much, then the chances are you have been experiencing and connecting to this light, more and more within yourself.  One side-effect of this, may be feeling especially down or unhappy when you forget your light.  But please, do no lose heart!   We are warriors!  (NB i intend my next post to be about our loving warrior way.)  Unhappiness is a fleeting experience through which we are working in order to return to this light, it is our destination and one way or another we will end up there! 

This is not something which is just happening to other people. 
This is something which is happening to you
This is not something which someone else will do for you. 
This is something you will do for yourself. 
This is possible for you! 
This is happening to you.
This is just a reminder, that is all. 
Consider yourself reminded…N O W   S H I N E!
“When you realise how perfect everything is
you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”
~ Buddha 

please repost & share!

all content copyright, permission required before commercial use.   
text: Jennifer, Gaspé 2012
shadow photo: Antoine, Leh 2011
shadow words: Jennifer, Lumbini 2009
monk photo: Jennifer, Leh 2011

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